Flow Playground

Get a Transaction with the Flow CLI

How to get a Flow transaction from the command line

The Flow CLI provides a command to fetch a transaction that was previously submitted to an Access API.

flow transactions get <tx_id>

Example Usage

> flow transactions get 40bc4b100c1930c61381c22e0f4c10a7f5827975ee25715527c1061b8d71e5aa --network mainnet 

Status		✅ SEALED
ID		40bc4b100c1930c61381c22e0f4c10a7f5827975ee25715527c1061b8d71e5aa
Payer		18eb4ee6b3c026d2
Authorizers	[18eb4ee6b3c026d2]

Proposal Key:	
    Address	18eb4ee6b3c026d2
    Index	11
    Sequence	17930

Payload Signature 0: 18eb4ee6b3c026d2
Payload Signature 1: 18eb4ee6b3c026d2
Envelope Signature 0: 18eb4ee6b3c026d2
Signatures (minimized, use --include signatures)

    Index	0
    Type	A.1654653399040a61.FlowToken.TokensWithdrawn
    Tx ID	40bc4b100c1930c61381c22e0f4c10a7f5827975ee25715527c1061b8d71e5aa
		- amount (UFix64):	0.00100000
		- from ({}?):			18eb4ee6b3c026d2

    Index	1
    Type	A.1654653399040a61.FlowToken.TokensDeposited
    Tx ID	40bc4b100c1930c61381c22e0f4c10a7f5827975ee25715527c1061b8d71e5aa
		- amount (UFix64):	0.00100000
		- to ({}?):			5068e27f275c546c

    Index	2
    Type	A.18eb4ee6b3c026d2.PrivateReceiverForwarder.PrivateDeposit
    Tx ID	40bc4b100c1930c61381c22e0f4c10a7f5827975ee25715527c1061b8d71e5aa
		- amount (UFix64):	0.00100000
		- to ({}?):			5068e27f275c546c

Code (hidden, use --include code)

Payload (hidden, use --include payload)


Transaction ID

  • Name: <tx_id>
  • Valid Input: transaction ID.

The first argument is the ID (hash) of the transaction.


Include Fields

  • Flag: --include
  • Valid inputs: code, payload, signatures

Specify fields to include in the result output. Applies only to the text output.


  • Flag: --code

⚠️ Deprecated: use include flag.

Wait for Seal

  • Flag: --sealed
  • Default: false

Indicate whether to wait for the transaction to be sealed before displaying the result.

Exclude Fields

  • Flag: --exclude
  • Valid inputs: events

Specify fields to exclude from the result output. Applies only to the text output.


  • Flag: --host
  • Valid inputs: an IP address or hostname.
  • Default: (Flow Emulator)

Specify the hostname of the Access API that will be used to execute the command. This flag overrides any host defined by the --network flag.


  • Flag: --network
  • Short Flag: -n
  • Valid inputs: the name of a network defined in the configuration (flow.json)
  • Default: emulator

Specify which network you want the command to use for execution.


  • Flag: --filter
  • Short Flag: -x
  • Valid inputs: a case-sensitive name of the result property.

Specify any property name from the result you want to return as the only value.


  • Flag: --output
  • Short Flag: -o
  • Valid inputs: json, inline

Specify the format of the command results.


  • Flag: --save
  • Short Flag: -s
  • Valid inputs: a path in the current filesystem.

Specify the filename where you want the result to be saved


  • Flag: --log
  • Short Flag: -l
  • Valid inputs: none, error, debug
  • Default: info

Specify the log level. Control how much output you want to see during command execution.


  • Flag: --config-path
  • Short Flag: -f
  • Valid inputs: a path in the current filesystem.
  • Default: flow.json

Specify the path to the flow.json configuration file. You can use the -f flag multiple times to merge several configuration files.